Code of Conduct for barristers

Chambers’ ethos pivots on our commitment to the promotion of human rights and civil liberties through the law. Consistent with that ethos is our commitment to providing a workplace that is free from harassment, discrimination and bullying, and an environment in which honesty, integrity and respect is constantly reflected in the standard of barristers’ behaviour. The purpose of this Code is to provide a clear framework for barristers’ behaviour towards each other and towards our staff, and more generally towards all those we have contact with during the course of our professional lives.


Acceptable behaviours

  • Being polite, courteous and respectful: listening carefully and respectfully without interrupting.

  • Thanking people, appreciating and recognising their efforts.

  • Building good working relationships with others: being friendly and introducing yourself; taking time to get to know people; sharing information about your practice.

  • Appreciating and respecting the skills and contributions of individuals as colleagues and equals, regardless of role or seniority.

  • Respecting confidentiality – if someone has raised something with you, checking what information they are happy for you to share and with whom.

  • Promoting team working: ensuring others have the time and information they need to help you or work with you, especially in matters such as your availability and the figures needed for billing; contributing to the work of practice teams; attending team meetings; providing guidance and support to more junior members of Chambers.

  • Appreciating that it is not your role to manage staff members: offering feedback to line managers about the staff they manage; relying on the line management structure to resolve issues of concern.

  • Supporting Chambers in maintaining a work environment that is inclusive and dignified, and free from all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying.

  • Following Chambers’ guidelines, processes and policies.

  • Behaving ethically and with integrity. 

Unacceptable behaviours

  • Treating someone inappropriately based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

  • Failing to recognise and appreciate the value of diversity.

  • Shouting or swearing at people or otherwise displaying conduct that others might perceive to be aggressive behaviour or harassment.

  • Being rude or undermining.

  • Accusing or blaming people when mistakes happen.

  • Talking down to people or making unreasonable demands of them.

  • Asking for work to be completed within unrealistic timescales.

  • Demanding an immediate response to emails out of hours.

  • Failing to respond or unduly delaying responses to requests for information.

  • Failing to submit information required for fee notes in a timely manner.