
Amelia Nice - Healthcare and Serious Medical Treatment

Year of Call: 2006  

Amelia Nice has a broad human right practice with expertise in mental health and children’s rights.  In the field of mental health, she has particular experience representing clients who have suffered significant trauma and have developed post-traumatic stress disorder or other diagnosable conditions, such as psychosis, and dealing with related issues including loss of capacity.  In the context of her practice, issues regarding clients’ mental health are relevant to human rights arguments engaging Article 2, Article 3 and Article 8.

Amelia’s public law practice has recently focused on child sexual abuse. Between 2019 and 2021 she was counsel to the Independent Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse which involved extensive examination of evidence regarding child abuse and how best to respond to such allegations including the provision of treatment for trauma and other mental health consequences. Amelia is currently instructed by a Long-Covid survivors interest group in respect of the Covid -19 Inquiry. Her Court of Protection practice has also involved protection orders relating to children or young women at risk of forced marriage or FGM.  

Read Amelia's full profile here