
Crown offer no evidence in assault emergency worker case

FW was charged with assaulting an emergency worker. He had been detained for a search by two officers outside of his home address owing to an allegation of theft. An altercation ensued between FW and the officer, which was caught on the officer’s BWV.

Initial representations were served, which the Crown rejected. Following thorough review of the case material, including the statements provided by the officers and the BWV, including the audio, Violet re-advised on the many shortcomings of the Crown’s case, including the officer’s failure to adhere to GOWISELY and use of unjustifiable force (both PAVA and handcuffs), leading to renewed representations being served. Following receipt of these, the Crown offered no evidence and a formal verdict of not guilty was entered.

Violet Smart was instructed by Arozo Gajia of PCB Byrne Solicitors.