
Jonathan Lennon secures victory for a third party wife in s10A POCA confiscation proceedings against her husband

Jonathan Lennon was instructed by DPP Law to act for a third party wife in s10A POCA confiscation proceedings against the husband – a convicted drug trafficker.  The prosecution had claimed that the defendant held an interest(s) in all of the wife’s properties – some 6 residential properties, all purchased many years earlier.  Following a 9 day contested confiscation hearing the Judge handed down judgment on 18/12/20.  Jonathan secured a 100% victory for his third party wife client; none of the properties were found to be ‘available’ in the confiscation order made against the husband. 

Third parties are being joined to confiscation proceedings more and more frequently.  This is sometimes a welcome development by the 3rd party, sometimes not.  The rulings made are determinative of whether the 3rd party has any interest in property which is held by the defendant and would otherwise fall to realised to satisfy the confiscation order made against the defendant.