
Nick Stanage joins UN Roster of Senior Consultants

Following an open competition, Nick Stanage has been selected to join the Roster of Senior Consultants of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, based in Geneva.

Nick will work for the Multilateral Diplomacy Programme which trains diplomats, international civil servants and other government officials in international human rights protection and promotion, international law, communication, public speaking, negotiation skills, and drafting UN resolutions.

UNITAR works in particular with delegates of UN missions from the least developed countries and small island developing states.

More information about the Institute can be found here and a fact sheet can be downloaded here.

Nick Stanage is a member of Doughty Street International. Domestically he specialises in police law and inquest law. Internationally he has worked for various UN agencies, Embassies, governments and NGOs, advising on detainees’ rights, police powers and procedure, criminal justice reform, the independence of the judiciary, and on effective investigations into allegations of torture and slavery.

The above work has been conducted variously in English, French and Spanish.