Online Seminar via Zoom
Online Seminar via Zoom
PSED: is it dead in the water?
TUESDAY 2 NOVEMBER 2021 | 15:00 - 16:00
The public sector equality duty (PSED) ought to be exercised with rigour and an open mind, it should not be a tick box exercise. However, despite the initially high standards required by the Courts, there has been an increasing deference given to ministers when considering whether compliance with the PSED exists at all.
This seminar will examine whether the PSED has become dead in the water such that ministers are no longer required to consciously turn their mind to the criteria set out in s.149 Equality Act 2010. We will first critically examine the recent case law on the PSED and ask whether there has been a sea change and what future there is for the PSED when systemic inequality exists beyond the limits of the PSED criteria. Then we will take a narrower focus looking at the housing context and examine whether local authorities and housing providers are held to a higher standard.
This seminar is aimed at those who want an updated overview of the case law on the PSED as well as a critical lens to examine what can be gleaned from this overview and in the housing context.
Chair: Shu Shin Luh
Speakers: Zia Nabi and Donnchadh Greene
Slides can be accessed here.