Online Seminar via Zoom
Online Seminar via Zoom
Grenfell Tower and Human Rights - Three Years On (Webinar)
Thursday 25 June | 12pm - 2pm
Three years after the fire at Grenfell Tower and there has been limited accountability or meaningful change. Despite the impact on a wide range of human rights both the Grenfell Tower Inquiry and political responses to date have barely mentioned human rights. Our panellists will interrogate this ‘human rights silence’ and discuss its links with the ongoing lack of accountability.
Our speakers:
David Lammy MP – “Reflections on the response of our politicians”
Professor Aoife Nolan - 'The human right to adequate housing perspective'
Fiona Murphy – “Article 2 - why the Grenfell Tower Inquiry should adopt a human rights based approach”
Jamie Burton – “Cladding, corporate capture and participatory responses”
The slides can be found here.
Watch the recording below.